13 - unfinished 

The game feels very empty, especially if you just spam z to shoot all of the enemies. The brain thing that the clown dropped looked interesting though.

I like how the game uses titles for its background and foreground in the code but I don’t fully understand the plot of the game. I’m confused about what the player is doing and how he got the cape and gun. 

Game 13 has good art and background along with gameplay. It was confusing how to shoot. I couldn’t figure out the key for it. There weren’t any bugs as far as I noticed. It could be improved by adding controls though.

Art is cool, lack of sounds is a little unsettling though. Game didn’t really have anything to offer, and I feel like more time was spent on art than actual programming. 

The game is easy to play and the controls aren't hard to learn. 

can’t shoot/no ammo, couldn’t get past the first enemy without ammo

Make it so that the enemies can't kill you when they're dying.

I was just walking, If there wawa something else then it would have been funner but it was alright no bugs.

Very nice art but there is nothing to do, it is just walk right and shoot no mixup.

Backgrounds are really detailed and well illustrated. But, shooting mechanic does not work.

The visuals are really impressive. Though after a bit of button jamming I couldn’t figure out how I was supposed to attack the clown. So unfortunately I didn’t get far.