Start your day with a warm-up
Half page summary with your opinion.
What are you learning?
Weapon System, changing animations, importing meshes.
Why is it important?
This is the start of everything. We are building a game so it is important that you follow along. If you start going on your own and fall behind, it is unfair to stop the class because you chose to do your own thing. If you are confident that you know what you are doing, I have no issues with you moving on your own but you will be held accountable for the project.
How do you show that you understand? What is the assignment?
Follow along and build the game.
Grab this animation and copy it to your desktop
Compile save test
Compile, save and test
You can see that you are getting hit once
In out BP Enemy, we have the attack player set once
What we need to do is connect the Attack Player Output back into the Retriggerable Delay input
Follow along here! In your Enemy Blueprint
We have a bug
We are taking damage and getting attacked from a distance
Pull out from Is In Radius
Add NOT Boolean
Your player should not be attacked until they hit the collision
Drag the Paired_PushShove_Att.fbx into your enemy animations folder in the content drawer
select SK Mannequin Skeleton
Import All
Right Click on the new animation
Retarget Animation Assets > Duplicate and Retarget Animation Assets
Click the IK Retargeter
Select the RTG_UE4Manny_UE5Manny
Name the new animation Enemy_Attack
Add it to your Enemy_Animations Folder
We want to play this animation from the blueprint
To do this
Right Click
Create Animation Montage
Open the montage
Open AnimGraph in your ABP_Enemy
Remember we added this?
That DefaultSlot is in our montage
Go to your BP_Enemy Event Graph
Compile and Save
In your Attack Player Area
Pull out a node from the output of the apply damage node
Add play Anim montage
Click dropdown for Montage to Play
Compile, save and test
The problem we are having with our attack is that when the player hits the AttackRadius collision, the info is not sent to the player.
We need to add a Cast to BP_ThirdPersonCharacter after the overlap
We need to do the same thing when the player is no longer in the attack radius (end overlap)
Now we need to get rid of the NOT in our attack player because we WANT the enemy to attack when it is in radius
When the enemy is attacking, the camera is getting weird because the camera is detecting the enemy as an obstacle (UE wants to make things look and feel real right?)
Go to the viewport of the Enemy and select the mesh
Find collision presets
Choose custom
Set your Camera to ignore
Do the same for the capsule
Compile, save, test
Now we want the animation to start playing as soon as the player is in the attack radius
To do this, we need to move the Play Anim Montage after the Is True Branch in the event graph
Next we will add a little delay before we cast to the BP ThirdPersonCharacter
Open your montage and scrub to where the attack actually happens
I am choosing .26
Back to the Enemy Event Graph
Add the .26 to your delay
Compile, save, test
Open up your ThirdPerson BP Event Graph in the health system
Remove the connection from the branch to set silulate physics
Add Destroy Actor
Compile, save test
It's not working!!! I am not happy
Open up the ThirdPersonCharacter BP
You can see that after we subtract one, nothing is connected
Connect it to the Set
Okay we can die now but we are not respawning
Open the Level Blueprint
In your level blueprint event graph, add a custom event
Name it Respawn
Add a 2 second delay
Add Open Level (by Name)
Add Open Level (by Name)
Go to your level and find Game Mode in your World Settings
In GameMode Override
Set your Selected GameMode to BP_ThirdPersonGameMode
In your content drawer, open Content>Thirdperson>Blueprints>BP_ThirdPersonGameMode
Click Open Full Blueprint Editor
Copy the Respawn Delay and Open Level (by name) nodes in your Level Event Graph
Paste it in your BP_ThirdPersonGameMode Event Graph
What we are doing here is making the respawn in the game mode so that we can reference it in the Character Blueprint
Open the third person BP
Break the link between the branch and destroy actor
From the True output in your branch
Add Cast ti BP_ThirdPersonGameMode ** MAKE SURE IT'S THE GAME MODE!!!**
Pull out the Object input from Cast to BP_ThirdPersonGameMode
Add Get Game Mode Node
Connect GameMode output to Destroy actor
Pull out the Object input from Cast to BP_ThirdPersonGameMode
Add Get Game Mode Node
Connect GameMode output to Destroy actor
Connect respawn to destroy actor
Compile, save test