Start your day with a warm-up
Irony or Coincidence
Tell me a story about something that happened to you that was ironic or crazy coincidence...
When I was in 8th grade, I was not the mature and stoic instructor that you know today. I was a chucklehead and when we went to the high school field trip to check out the school and do the tour, I was acting a fool in the autoshop class. The teacher was this bald guy with a thick mustache and he has a sign in his room that read "Bald is Beautiful".
We my 8th grade brain just could not handle it and was laughing in hysterics. This clearly made the teacher very upset but I could not stop laughing, I was trying but it just didn't happen.
So this guy was heated and popped off at me... "You will never do anything in your life"
So the irony?
He was an ROP Teacher and years later what is my career?
ROP Teacher
What are you learning?
Weapon System, changing animations, importing meshes.
Why is it important?
This is the start of everything. We are building a game so it is important that you follow along. If you start going on your own and fall behind, it is unfair to stop the class because you chose to do your own thing. If you are confident that you know what you are doing, I have no issues with you moving on your own but you will be held accountable for the project.
How do you show that you understand? What is the assignment?
Follow along and build the game.
Plan on presenting your project ideas
From the create heathbar widget output add a add to viewport node AND connect the return value to target
Compile, save, test
Now make an enemy health bar
In your UI Folder, duplicate the WP Healthbar and name it WB_EnemyHealthBar
Open the new file
Move it to the center and change the color if you wish
Find Progress in the Details panel
In Percent, select the binding dropdown and select Create Binding
Switch from Designer Mode to Graph Mode (top left)
Open your WB_Healthbar and copy the info in the graph
The paste it in the WB_EnemyHealthBar
Delete Get Player Character
Delete Cast to BP_ThirdPersonCharacter
Disconnect the Get percent and Return Node
From Get Percent 0, pull out Get All Actors of Class
The Actor Class is going to be BP_Enemy
From Out Actors, putt out Get a Copy Node
From Get A Copy, pull out Cast to BP_Enemy
Connect the Get All Actors of Class to the Cast to BP Enemy
Delete the Target Self Health and Return Node
As BP_Enemy output
Add Get Health Node
Connect the health to the top number (because you want to divide the health number by 50)
Connect the Cast to Enemy output to the Return Node input
Open up your BP_Enemy Viewport
Select the capsule
In Components
Add Widget
Name it Health Widget
With your Health Widget Selected
Find User interface in your Details panel
Under Widget Class Dropdown
Select WB_EnemyHealthBar
Move it to where you like
Compile and Save
When we play the game, the healthbar doesn't always face the camera
Open the Enemy Event Graph
Under Attack Player
Add Event Tick
A tick is a frame
Pull put your health widget from components
From the health widget, pull out Set world Rotation
From the Event Tick pull out and add cast to BP ThirdPersonCharacter
From Your Cast to BP_ThirdPersonCharacter Object, pull out Get Player Character
From Your Cast to BP_ThirdPersonCharacter Object Connect to Set World Rotation
From the New Rotation input
Pull out Find Look at Rotation
Add another health widget
From the new health widget, pull out Get World Location
Add Get Player Character
Pull out Get Actor Location
Connect to the target of Find Look at Rotation
Connect the Get World Location output to the Start input of Find Look at Rotation
Now let's fix the Enemy being able to hit after being out of health
In BP Enemy
After Simulate Physics
Grab Character Movement from components and bring it into the event graph
Pull out Stop Movement Immediately
Connect to Set Simulate Physics Output
Create a new boolean variable called isDead in My Blueprint
Drag the isDead Variable in and Set it to true then connect to stop movement immediately
Find your chase player node in the BP Enemy Event Graph
Add a branch between the Chase Player and AI MoveTo
Drag in the isDead Variable in
Add a NOT boolean from the isDead Node
Connect it to the condition of the branch
So the Is not Dead will let the enemy chase the player
We will do the same thing to the attack
Select the platform
In Outliner
Select the floor
Click Convert to Blueprint
Make it a sub Class Floor Blueprint
In the Floor_Blueprint
Go to event graph
Add event hit
From other pull out cast to BP ThirdPersonCharacter
As BP ThirdPerson pull out apply damage
Base damage 999
Compile Save Test
That's it for today