
Start off the day with the warm-up

First of all, I take zero responsibility for this warm-up and I recognize that it will be diffucult to get a half page out of it so I will give you a break on the length but if you can get a half page, kudos to you.

This warm-up is brought to you by Nick P and Eligh from last year...

What is the best tasting crayon? No euphemism, actual crayon.

Crayola Burnt Sienna? Prang Standard Green? Cray-Z-Art Blue?

Why? If you don't know, make it up, use your imagination.

As always, worth 3 points

What are you learning?

Game Design with SMBX - Checkpoint and Keys

Why is it important?

We will be creating a world in SMBX. You will be designing the game and creating the story of the game.

You can use layers and events to customize and make your game more fun.

How do you show that you understand? What is the assignment?





Keyboard Controls

Jump = Z

Run/Grab/Fireball = X

Alternate Jump = A

Alternate Run = S

Drop Item = Shift

Pause = Escape

Pick Up = Down Arrow + A 

Create a simple level

In NPCs, Select SMW and add a checkpoint

Click on Backgrounds

Select Super Mario World

Click on Checkpoint/Exit

Create the poles for your checkpoint

Using Keys

in NPCs > SMW > Exit Select key and add it to the game

Select Backgrounds

Select Keyhole and add it to the game

Save Game

X Key to Grab key

Take it to the keyhole


Save the level and test