Start your day with a warm-up
You are in the last few months of high school and then you off to exciting new things.
Looking back on the last two years, what advice would you give to an incoming CART Student? What did you really like? What was not so great? Is there anything you personally would have done differently?
What are you learning?
Why is it important?
It is important for you to get comfortable with the interface.
How do you show that you understand? What is the assignment?
You are to create a super awesome Hard-Core Parkour Course
Launch Unreal Engine
Click Games then select Third Person and click create
Select shapes and drag them into your game
Build your ultimate Hard-Core Parkour Course
Now we will add a check point
Open your content drawer
Open Hour_of_Code>Blueprints
Find BP_checkpoint
Drag it into your world
Once a player has respawned, it will be facing the direction of the arrow
Select the checkpoint and rotate it so that the player is facing the entrance
Right Click and select play from here
Walk over the checkpoint and make sure it turns blue then walk off the edge to see the checkpoint functioning correctly
Walk in the entract and take the moving platform to the other side
Let's go ahead and change the start location to Current Camera Location (we did this yesterday)
Open your content drawer >All>Content>Hour_of_Code>Static_Meshes
Grab SM and bring it into your game
Add floating islands until you can reach the floating island with the rock
If you look at the Outliner, you will notice we are getting lots of objects with similar names so let's rename them
Select the first rock and find it in the outliner
Double Click or press F2 to rename it
I am naming mine SM_Platform_01, SM_Platform_02, SM_Platform_03 but you can call them whatever, just make sure they are 1,2,3
We will be playing with loops
A loop is something that happens continuously
In the outliner, hold shift and select all three of the platforms
With the three Now we are going to add a sequence
Open your content drawer and select sequences
Click Add>Cinematic>Level Sequence
A sequence will be created in your sequences folder. I am naming mine SM_Moving_Platforms
Double click the sequence you just created to open the sequence editor
Right click in the spot marked X and select Actor To Sequences >Add Current Selection (3 actors)
We have three actors because we have the three platforms selected
All three of the platforms in the sequencer and we are ready to animate
Add a checkpoint from your Blueprints at the exit before you jump to the first platform and rotate it
We are going to be adding a key frame just like we did with blender
Select the first Platform
The sequencer is running at 30 frames per second
We want the platform to be still for half a second so we will move the scrubber to frame 15
Click the circle between the two arrows to add a key frame so that the platform will remain at this position untilthe 15th frame
Turn on Auto Keying
Move the scrubber from frame 15 to frame 45 add a key
Use your scrubber to test it by moving from 45 to 15 frame then back
Scrub to 75 and add another key
Scrub over to 105
Right Click Copy the key frame from frame 15
In frame 105, right click
Paste > MovieScene3DTransformTrack_0.Location
This will place the platform at the lame location as Frame 15
Scrub to test
Grab the red line and pull it to 120 to end it
Open up your sequences folder in the content drawer
Drag it into your game
Now make this sequence a loop so that is plays continuously with the platform going back and forth over and over
Go to details > Playback
Check the autoplay box
Set to Loop Indefinitely
Test and save
Select Platform 2
Scrub over to frame 45
add a key frame to platform 2
Scrub over to 75 and add a key frame for platform 2
Move your platform
Copy your key frame from 75 and paste it into frame 15
Go to blueprints
Add another checkpoint
Save All
Let's look under the hood of the checkpoint blueprint
In your blueprints folder, double click the checkpoint and your blueprint editor will open
We will primarily be working in the event graph and the viewport
Go to the viewport
individually explore all the physical parts of the checkpoint and the details for each
Go ahead and close your sequencer
Pull out your event graph and place it below your viewport so you can see both
So On Component Begin Overlap (Sphere_coll) just means that something is touching the sphere collision
Once it does, it moves on to the next node
So what is happening here is that once the player overlaps/collides with the collison, this is checking to see if the checkpoint has already been activated. So the condition is that the checkpoint is enabled. If it is has or it is true, that is the end and if it is false it moves on to SET
As it passes through SET, the checkpoint is enabled so the condition is now true so that next time it collides with the collision, it is true and nothing happens.
Something that is True or False/On or Off is called a Boolean
As the program passes though, it changes the yellow cylinder blue
The target is the checkpoint
The parameter is that it will be a color
The value is the actual color
So what is happening here is that the blueprint is sending information to the game (casting)
Get Game Mode is the information
Spawn Location is where to put in the player
We get that info from GetWorldTransform which is where we are in the world (location, rotation and scale)
Checkpoint Transform is the location (coordinates where we are setting the player (when they are spawned)
it plays a sound
If you make the checkpoint larger and die, you will respawn larger as well.
It is the world transform that is causing this bug
Move your Checkpoint Transform and Get World Transform
Delete the Orange Return Value Connection by holding Alt + Click
Right Click on Return Value and select Split Struct Pin
have split up the information going to the spawn location into separate values
Grab the location value and connect to Spawn Location
Once you do this, it will add a converter
We have modified the code so we need to click compile
Now when you play the game, the character will spawn the same size
Drag the Value Rotation Node and add is to the Spawn location
You will see that it makes a mess and we have an unused converter
Delete the converter
Once you have deleted the converter
Connect the Return Value Location to the Location in Make Transform
Your character will now spawn in the rotation you set in the checkpoint
Compile, test save
Save your work!