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Start off the day with the warm-up 

What's in a name? How did you get your name? Did you decide you wanted to go by something different and changed it? What is the signifigance of your name? Were you named after someone or something?  How did you get your name?

If you are not comfortable sharing this, just make something up.

Worth three points

Half page double spaced

Submit to Google Classroom

What are you learning? 

Today we will wrap up the 10 animated Minecraft style sprites then load up the programs we will use for the year

Why is it important? 

The 10 sprite project is to get you used to working quickly. This class is not really long enough so we have to work at a quick pace that that you have time to create your major 2D and 3D Game Projects

How do you show that you understand? What is the assignment?  

We will create an animated Minecraft Style potion bottle together and then I want you to create 10 animated Minecraft Style Sprites.

Install GDevelop


Install Blender


Create an Epic Games Account using your CART Email


Install Epic Installer


Install Twinmotion 


In Epic Games Launcher

Install Unreal Engine 5.1

From UE Marketplace

Add Unreal Engine for Fortnite 

Add Metahumans 

Add Metahuman Plugin 

Add Online Learning Kit 

Add Unreal Engine Hour of Code 

Add Unreal Learning Kit: Rube Goldberg Machines