Start your day with a warm-up
Imagine your high school career was a four level video game, Fresh, Soph, JR & SR.
Tell me the storyline and game play for each level... power ups, bosses, puzzles, goals, easter eggs, etc.
What are you learning?
Packaging up the game for distribution
Why is it important?
We use conditional statements to make something happen if the criteria is met like having a key to open a door
How do you show that you understand? What is the assignment?
Complete lesson 5
Download and install Visual Studio Community 2022
Click on the link below and follow the directions... double check to make sure you have done it correctly
Open the BP_Key_activity_4_end blueprint
So here we have the info casting to the game and it's telling the game that the player has the key because the Have Key? is checked
Connect the output of the Set Have Key tot the Set Color and Opacity of the Key image that shows up in your HUD (heads up display)
The HUD is kind of like the UI Layer in GDevelop
When we click the color and opacity box in Set Color and Opacity, a color picker comes up
The RGB are all set to 1
The Alpha Channel is also set to 1
The Alpha Channel handles transparency aka opacity aka see throughness (is that even a word?)
So 1 means that you can't see through it at all, it is a solid color
So let's take these nodes and copy them
Then paste them into the BP_Key that you made
Connect the Blue As BP Hour Of Code game output to the input target of the W HUD Ref
The W HUD Ref is the Heads Up Display (the UI) which is then connected to the Material (the key)
Connect the Set output to the Set Color and Opacity Input
Connect the output of the Set Color and Opacity and connect it to the play sound input
Compile, Save and Test
Now when you collide with the key, it shows up in the left corner of the game
Let's go back to our Door Locked Activity Blueprint
Notice that the code looks almost the same as the code we just coped and pasted into the Key Brueprint?
The only difference is the alpha channel is set to 0.3 instead of 1 so it is 70% see through
This information is getting cast from the game as soon as the E is pressed
When you originally collide with the key, it shows up with the Alpha Channel at 1 meaning that is is not see through
and then when you press the E, it sends the info to change the key out to the .3 alpha and it is partially see through
Let's take a look at the Heads Up Display or HUD open up BP_HourOfCode_Game
When the game is deployed, creates the W Hug Widget (the W just stands for widget), you can see them in the widget folder in the content drawer.
Then it is setting a variable for this widget that we can use later and finally showing up in the viewport (in the game)
This has been running the entire time but we never used it until we started on the key
Open up the widgets folder in your content drawer
In the hour of code game blueprint, it references the W HUD Widget
This is where it is
Open your W HUD Widget
This is your HUD
This is only a 2D workspace
The Hierarchy is everything that is inside the hud
You can switch from designer to graph
Details panel
boost, coins and gems are all set to invisible
Select the key in the hierarchy
There is a green box where the key is placed
Look in the details panel for appearance > Color and Opacity
Notice your alpha channel is set to 0 so it is completely see through
Change the alpha channel to 0.3 and test the game
Compile, save and test
Drag a jump boost into your world
Go back to the HUD blueprint
Select the jump boost in the hierarchy
Change the opacity in the alpha channel to 0.3 just like we did with the key
Now the key should show up
Compile save test
Open your jump boost blueprint
Connect the output of your Play Sound at Location node to the input of the tiny node that reads Connect Me to Play Sound at Location
We are rerouting the code
Now we are casting to the game
connecting to the jump boost in the HUD
setting the Alpha Channel to 1 (Not see through)
After the color and opacity are set, we add the 4 second cool down then make the boost invisible
Setting the collision back on after the cool down then changing the opacity back to the original 0.3 so that it goes back to showing up on the screen as partially see through
Next it checks to see if the player is still alive and finally changes the jump velocity back to 600
Compile, save test
It should now be opaque until you touch the boost then go full color for the cool down time and switch back to opaque
When we modified the blueprint, we created a bug
Make sure you have a checkpoint in your scene
Play the game, hit the checkpoint, get the boost then jump off the side
Notice when you respawn, the boost is not opaque even though you can't jump high.
Open the character blueprint event graph
What this is saying is that when the player hits the killZ that we set up, the player is destroyed (dead)
We are connecting that to the input that is being cast to the game by connecting the nodes
It is then setting up the color and alpha channel to .3 opacity
A player may not even notice this bug but this code is making sure that they don't
This basically resets the opacity on the key in the hud when a player dies
Compile, save and test
Bring a coin and gem into your world from the blueprints folder
Open the HUD Widget
Select the Coins and Gems in the hierarchy
Change the Alpha to 1 in the Details panel because we want to see them all the time with zero opacity
Compile, save and test
When you collide with the gem, it counts them but it does not work with the coin
Open up the coin blueprint
When the player collides with the coin, we send info to the game
It checks how many coins are stored in the Coin Count Variable then add a coin to the value and sets the number
Once the coin is set, we can see the output is going straight to the play sound and not updating the coin count in the hud
Connect the output on the set to the input on the Update Coins HUD node then connect to play sound
Compile, save and test from the beginning
take some time to add some gems into your game and make it better
Open up your game completion widget from your widgets folder
In the hierarchy, we have an image that is at 50% opacity covering the screen
End Game Text reading Congratulations
This is just drag and drop from the palette on the top left
Select the time to complete in the hierarchy and notice in the top right, Is Variable is checked
This means that the text is actually a variable
Switch from Designer to Graph Mode
Time is the variable
We are converting the Timer to text, Append is updating the time, String just means text In Text means it is being actually displayed in the text in the HUD
Check out the Get Coin Count
Notice the variable
Check out the Get Gem Coin Count
Notice the variable
Debug tricks
Open the character blueprint
Check out the jump boost in the debugging area
If I connect the J pressed output node to the flip flop, a can switch from 1500 to 600 jump velocity so I can easily check to see if the player can make a specific jump
If you package the game with this code connected, it wil be a part of the game, something to keep in mind
When connected,pressing the K key will kill the player
This can be used so you don't have to keep jumping off the side to test
This escape key to quit game node allows you to quit the actual game by hitting ESC
The preferences are Quit the game while the background option is for mobile phone games to quit to the background
You MUST do this one
Compile & Save
Time to package it up
If you did not follow the directions from the Unreal visual studio link, this will not work so you will need to modify your VS settings
Click Platforms> Packaging Settings
Change the Build Configuration from Development to Shipping
Click full rebuil;d because it is the first one and not an update
Click Description and fill in what you wish
Next click Maps & Modes
Select the map you wanted to start up (the Level_HOC_world
Click Supported platforms
We didn't add mobile controls so you can't play the game on a phone
Target hardware for the settings of the game
Go to platforms>windows and make sure to change the splash screen to something you like
You can hover over them to see the sizes
Go back to the viewport
click platforms>windows>shipping
click platforms>windows>package project
Choose where you want the game to be saved
pack it up
Blueprint has a Capsul Collision and a Static Mesh that is a Spike
Adding a respawn
In the Game Mode Blueprint
Righ Click in the Event Gaph and add custom event
Name the custom event Respawn Player
Under Inputs in the details panel, click the +
Name the input Player