
 Start off the day with the warm-up

Unreal Engine 6 will be a 'metaverse'

Summarize and add your opinion

Epic boss Tim Sweeney says Unreal Engine 6 will be a 'metaverse' joining Fortnite and other Unreal games, including an upcoming 'persistent universe' in development with Disney | PC Gamer 

What are you learning?

GDevelop - Start and End the game

Why is it important? What is the assignment?

Create a start and end to the pumpkin game

How will you show you understand? What is the assignment?

We are about to start our Showcase Projects, this is the last GDEV project before then so it's time to show us what you can do

You are to create a game called "Night at the Carny"

How you interpret this is totally up to your imagination and talent.

Your game must have a playable character, enemies, and some sort of working shooting mechanic.

Your game must have a way to complete the game and show an end screen.

This MUST be an original game and NOT just swapping out the characters of your old game. It's time to do something new!

Due 10/18/24

Teams of two


All original character art and animation - 2 Points

Ability to fire projectiles - 2 Points

Life System - 1 Point

Respawn - 1 Point

Damage to enemies - 1 Point

Parallax - 1 Point

Playable for at least two minutes for the novice player - 1 Point

End Screen/game restart - 1 Point

Functional Game - 1 Point

Carny Theme - 1 Point

TOTAL 10 Points with two points possible extra credit

This is due 10/18/24 END OF CLASS!

You will turn it in by creating a video of you playing the game while you explain how you earned all of your points in the projects.

We will create a start and finish to the pumpkin game then you will create one for your CARTKour Game

Open your project manager

Add a new scene

call it DeathStart

 Add a new ObjectText Sprite

Text Object

Name the object Death

Size 60

Color Red




You are dead

Press any key to continue


Add it to your scene

What you are going to do now is set the game to switch from your game to the death scene when your healt goes to zero

Open your events 

Add new  event

Place it in your health

The in then statements we want

If the hero's health variable is less than zero then change the scene to the death scene

Now change the scene

Stitch to your DeathStart Events


If any key is pressed then change the scene to untitled scene

If you want to create a Start Scene, it is the same process, just move the start scene to the top of your scenes list


Open Project Manager

Add new external event

name it Controls

Add new event

Select Untitled scene

Add event

Key Pressed

W Key


Simulate Up Key Press

object = Hero

***Make sure you select the one with platform behavior***

Do the same for all the keys

 have not connected it to our scene so we need to add it to the game

Link external events

Open your BadGuy object and create another animation called DeadGuy

Now we want to create a new event that happens when the BadGuy is out of life points 

Create a new event

BadGuy is dead

Change the animation of Bad Guy to Dead Guy
Wait 1 second so the animation can finish
Delete BadGuy