REMEMBER.... Unreal Engine is absurdly hard to master! If YOU are working, you are good.
Start your day with a Warm-up
In a google doc (Design Doc), tell me about what your team is thinking about doing for your Beowulf Game and exactly what you are going to be working on during this time. You will be presenting your ideas to the class.
What are you learning?
Unreal Engine - The Big Team Project
Game is due April 25, 2024
Why is it important?
It's time to come together and create using the tools you have explored
How do you show that you understand? What is the assignment?
You and your team will create a game with a Beowulf Theme
How you do this is up to you, your technical ability and your imagination
Spend today working with your teams on creating a Game Design Document. There are real examples in Google Classroom.
Start -
planning out your level
Concept and theme
decide team roles
3D objects
Game Requirements
15 Full Minutes of gameplay - 15 Points
10 original 3D assets (they must be 100 percent original and not based on someone else's work).
Your 3D assets must be as realistic as your talent allows and must include color
Your game must have a purpose or goal (meaning you are not just walking around).
If you complete your assets or the game early, create more.
You will not be done with your game until the deadline.
Each day during this assignment, you will earn a participation point
You are expected to be working on your project with your team during this time. If you are on your phone, watching videos or otherwise not working on your project you will lose your point for the day.
Participation - 25 Points
15 Minutes of Gameplay - 15 Points
10 original 3D Assets - 5 Points
Total 45 Points