Start off the day with the warm-up
Best thing ever!
Tell me about something you do really well. How long have you been doing this? When did you discover that you were really good at it. Tell me about your process.
It all started when I was about 11.
My dad who I barely knew randomly gave me a full sized Foosball Table. It was one of those coin operated ones that had been broken open so you didn't have pay in order for the balls to come out. I just liked spinning the players and smacking the ball as hard as I could, One day my aunt camer over with her husband Sergio. He heard the noise I was making and went out to investigate. It turns out that Sergio was stationed in Germany while he was in the military and actually knew how to play the game. He showed me how to pass and shoot the ball without spinning the players. Once I actually understood how to play the game, it turned out that I was shockingly good at it. There is something in the way my hand is shaped that generates more power than anyone else I have ever seen play the game.
My mom's boyfriend at the time was a pretty competitive dude and he LOATHED that i could beat him so we spend hours and hours playing the game. I got so good that I had not been beat in years... like at least a decade.
Fast forward at least 20 years and I am working for a tech company based out of Austin. I was in a meeting down in Huntington Beach with them and we randomly started talking about foosball. It turned out that there was this Tech Start-Up Olympics in Austin and it was kinf of important to the owners so they flew me out and got me a hotel room during the SxSW Conference to compete in foosball on behalf of the company.
So I fly into Austin the day before the event and the guy who was supposed to be my partner asks me to meet him at this nighclub that has foosball.
I get to the club and there is a band playing. The guy has brought somneone who was a legit foosball player. It was a weird vibe though, I think he wanted to show me up or something because when we played, it didn't feel friendly. This guy and I battled it out hard, sometimes I won and sometimes he won. After a few games, he suddely became much nicer, it was really weird.
My partner was a terrible player, i don't know why they paired me with him if winning really mattered but it was not my call.
The next day way the Tech Olympics so I meet the team down there and I get to my event.
We started with me playing offense and my partner playing defense but he kep getting smoked, he could not defend the goal so halfway in, we had to switch. It was a single elimination event so if you lost, you were out of that event. We barely won the first match and I scored all the goals from the back. We moved to the second round but both players on the other team were legit so the only chance we had was to strike the ball and hard as I could at an angle and ricochet off the side then into the goal.
Remember I told you that I have a remarkably powerful shot?
Well I was sending heaters, they were moving fast. I hit one so hard that it flew off the table and hit our opponent in the eye. he was injured and could not continue. They had a sub and we ended up losing but it was the only time in the history of the tech olympics that there was an injury in foosball.
What are you learning?
GDevelop - Start and End the game
Why is it important? What is the assignment?
Create a start and end to the pumpkin game
How will you show you understand? What is the assignment?
We are about to start our Showcase Projects, this is the last GDEV project before then so it's time to show us what you can do
You are to create a game called "Night at the Carny"
How you interpret this is totally up to your imagination and talent.
Your game must have a playable character, enemies, and some sort of working shooting mechanic.
Your game must have a way to complete the game and show an end screen.
This MUST be an original game and NOT just swapping out the characters of your old game. It's time to do something new!
Due 10/18/24
Teams of two
All original character art and animation - 2 Points
Ability to fire projectiles - 2 Points
Life System - 1 Point
Respawn - 1 Point
Damage to enemies - 1 Point
Parallax - 1 Point
Playable for at least two minutes for the novice player - 1 Point
End Screen/game restart - 1 Point
Functional Game - 1 Point
Carny Theme - 1 Point
TOTAL 10 Points with two points possible extra credit
This is due 10/18/24 END OF CLASS!
You will turn it in by creating a video of you playing the game while you explain how you earned all of your points in the projects.
Melee Attack
Create a platform and give it the platform behavior
Add a new Object
Name it Hero
Give it Platform Character Behavior
Name the first Hero Animation "Idle"
Create a second animation with your Hero swinging a sword
Name the animation Attack
Open your Attack Animation
Add a second colission mask for the sword.
Create an Enemy
Go to your events
Variable Value
Create out scene variable
Copy the condition into a new event and change the variable to 1
For your action if condition variable is 0, you want to set your Idle Animation to 0
Change the animation on variable 1 to attack
We want to start the game off with the attack variable set to 0
In the event At the beginning of the scene, delete the action and add change variable value
Set to
Set the Hero to flip
Now set the opposite for the right key
This part feels kind of tricky but whatever
Create a new event
What you want to happen is that after the melee attack animation plays once, it stops and changes the scene variable to 0
This is kind of like the blade we did earlier
The action will be to change the scene variable of attack to 0
Time to add ther attack
Create a new event
We want two conditions
First condition: Key Pressed Z
Second Condition: The current animation of the Hero is not set to the attack (we will be using inverse)
The reason is that if the animation is already set to the attack, you don't need to change the animation
The action you want is to change the scene variable to 1 (from Idle to Attack)
Add a condition Hero in collision with bad guy and trigger once
Now you need to create a sub event so that it's only going to delete when you are in the attacking animation
If you don't, it will always delete them whenever you are in collision
Now add the action selete bag guy in the sub event