
Be a buddy!!!!

It is highly recommended that a programmer and artist sit next to each other during these lessons. We all come from different backgrounds and experiences... some people are superb with attention to detail. I however was not born with this gift which is the reason I am not that great of a programmer. I am totally okay with that because I have the voice of an angel as a tradeoff. Seriously though... help each other, be a buddy :)

Did you miss a day or is your project not working?

I am going to add the progress file for each day we work in Unreal Engine. it will be located in the SHARED DRIVE > IGD_Share > UEGAME25

This will have all the work and progress we made on this day. You can copy and compare your work to it if something isn't quite right on yours. If you miss a day, you can start where the class left off BUT I would recomment you go back and do the lesson so you can keep your understanding going. This program is unforgiving so you have to keep grinding but you will get it!

Start your day with a warm-up

Watch the video above for BHM

What are you learning?

Weapon System, changing animations, importing meshes.

Why is it important?

This is the start of everything. We are building a game so it is important that you follow along. If you start going on your own and fall behind, it is unfair to stop the class because you chose to do your own thing. If you are confident that you know what you are doing, I have no issues with you moving on your own but you will be held accountable for the project.

How do you show that you understand? What is the assignment?

Follow along and if you fall behind, SAY SOMETHING. You learning is more important than getting to the next step quickly.

We will finish this lesson THEN you are to recreate the game up to this point on your own. Once you have finished, you are to help a buddy in class get their project done untill we are all done. TEAMWORK!

Make sure you have the socket selected

Move and rotate the gun so that it fits nicely in the players hand

We will Stop here for the day and continue in the next session.

Now select Preview Animation and find the Idle Hip Animation

Pause the animation and move the gun until it looks good

Save and close the mannequin

Reset the location and rotation in the details panel for the shotgun

In the the details panel under sockets, select the ShotgunRightHand_Socket for the parent socket

This should place your weapon

Click compile 

Now when we play the game, the gun should be set properly

In your details panel under Collision>Collision presets select NoCollision

We don't want the gun to get hit on things as we move around

Compile and save

Time to make the gun shoot

Create a Blueprints folder in your content folder

Open your blueprints folder

Right Click>Add blueprint Class> Actor

Name it BP_Bullet

Open up your bullet blueprint

In components

Click Add>Sphere

Name it Bullet

Grab the bullet component and drop it in the DefaultSceneRoot so that DefaultSceneRoot is gone

The reason that we did this is because the DefaultSceneRoot was the parent to the bullet where the bullet is now the parent

Now add Projectile Movement

With the Projectile Movement Selected in the Components Tab, look over to projectile>initial speed in the details panel

Change the initial speed to 3000 and max speed to 3500

Compile and save

Open up the third person character blueprint event graph

We are going to spawn the bullet

Click the magnifying glass in the add mapping context node

(mapping content is where you point to what inputs should be making something happen)

Click IMC_Default

Open the second mappings and you can see the current inputs in the game (jump, move, look)

Open up the content>>third person>input>actions folder

Right Click

hover over input>Input Action

Name it IA_Shoot (IA for input action)

Go back to your IMC_Default

In your mappings, click +

Select Shoot


We are going to assign the shooting inputs here

Click on the keyboard

Click on none and change it to left mouse button

Save and close the IMC tab

Go back to your ThirdpersonCharacter BP event graph and find jump input

Just below jump input, we will add a new node

Right Click and find Enhanced Actions Events IA_Shoot

So then the action is triggered, we want to spawn actor from a class (the class being the bullet)

Got back to the viewport

Select the shotgun in components

Click Add

Add Arrow

name the arrow Bullet_Spawn_Poss (position)

Move the arrow to the tip of the gun and rotate it to where you want the bullets to shoot

Go back into your event graph

Drag the Bullet_Spawn_Poss into the Event Graph

From the output, pull out and add Get World Transform Node

The get world transform node holds the info for the rotation, location and scale of the arrow (bullet) position

We want to split the Output on the Get World Transform Node output by right clicking on it and selecting Split Struct Pin

Do the same to the input on the spawn transform input on the SpawnActor BP Bullet

Connect location to location

Rotation to rotation

Change the X,Y,Z to 0.2 or the bullet will be massive

Click on Collision Handling Override and select Always Spawn Ignore Collisions

Compile and test

So things are wacky

What is happening is that the bullet is repeat firing

To fix this, we need to move the output in the EnhancedInputAction IA_Shoot from triggered to Started

Compile and test

If you need to adjust your arrow because you are shooting too low or too high, you can also do this in the viewport

If you want to make the bullets faster or slower, open the bullet blueprint, click projectile movement in the components and look for the Projectile speeds in the Details panel

In your event graph select everything we just added

Press C for comment

Name it Shooting System

Go back into the viewport and select CameraBoom

We are going to move the camera over a little bit so we can give the player better view for aiming

Explore the Target Arm Length and the Y Axis Socket Offset then play the game and find a setting you prefer

Our bullets are sticking to the wall

Open the Bullet Blueprint event graph

Right click and add Event Hit

We want the bullet to disappear when it collides with anything so we will pull out and add a destroy actor node

Compile, Save, Test

Alright, we have created a weapon system!

Time to create a new level

Click File > New Level > Basic > Create

Click Add > Shape > Cube

Make your cube then find Materials > Element 0 and click the folder search

In the content drawer, select M_M_Cube_WorldGridMaterial

Click Use Selected Asset

Click the add button

Type Player Start

Select the basic

Move the player start to the top of the cube

Ctrl + Shift + S or File > Save All

Right click and create a new folder

name it levels

Open your levels folder

Name it Level1 or whatever you want to call it


Duplicate the block and move it over so we can create a moving platform to get across

We need to add a new blueprint in the BP folder

Right click > blueprint > blueprint class > actor

Name it BP_Platform

Open up your platform blueprint

In Components

Add Cube

Name it platform and make it a platform

Go to your game and drag the platform in 

It is pretty small so change the scale on the X & Y in the details panel to 5

Back in the Platform BP

In components

Add Interp To Movement

In the details panel 

Find Control > Control Points

Click the + sign twice to add two points (start and stop)

For the first position, you want the control point to be 0,0,0 position is relative so that where you place the platform is the 0,0,0 position

For the second position, I want to move it along the Y axis because that is where I placed my second cube. 

Yours might be on the X axis so check in the game to make sure

Change the second control point on the axis you want the platform to move and test

After testing, the idea number for my game is 700 but the platform moves to quickly

Change the duration in the control of your details panel to a different number

Change the behavior time to ping pong

Test the settings until you have what you are happy with 

Add another instance of your cube and platform in the game

Another heavy day... let's stop here and continue next session

Blueprint has a Capsule Collision and a Static Mesh that is a Spike

Adding a respawn

In the Game Mode Blueprint

Righ Click in the Event Gaph and add custom event

Name the custom event Respawn Player

Under Inputs in the details panel, click the +

Name the input Player