
Start off the day with the warm-up


Read the article and write a brief summery about what their issue is with this game. Also include your thoughts on these types of reboots. Is there artistic merit or are they just a cash grab?

half page

3 points

What are you learning?


Why is it important?

We are now getting started with your novel for the Final Project so we need to understand how to use the tools

How do you show that you understand? What is the assignment?

Today we are going to:

Let's shrink our Badguy

First thing let's duplicate our potion bottle

Click the three dots to the right of your potion bottle and duplicate

Open it in piskel and make the liquid black

It doesn't have to be super nice, this is all just for practice

We want the badguy to shrink when we collide with potion 2

Create a new event

Our sentence is If the Hero is in collision with the Budguy then scale the bad guy down 50%

Start with the condition

Hero Collision Potion

The action will be Scale Badguy .5 then delete the potion2

Time to make that little ghost move!

Open up Edit Badguy

Click on the behaviors panel

click add behavior

Select Rectangle

Add the behavior


play with the settings and get it how you like

Go back to your scene

Click add a new object

Select Sprite

Name the object Vine

Click Add Animation

Click Create in Piskel

Change the height to 64

Draw a vine

Click Save

Select Behaviors

Click Add Behavior

Choose Platform

Change the type from Platform to Ladder

Test the game and notice you can now climb the vine but you can't jump through the top platform

We need to create a new platform and give it the ability to jump through

Find your platform in your objects

Click on the Three dots to the right of your platform and select duplicate

Create Platform2

Double Click on your platform2 and select behaviors

Change the Type to Jumpthru platform

Replace the old platform at the top of your vine with Platform2

Save and test

When you test the game, yoyu will notice the vice is in front of the Hero To fix this, we need to change the Z order

Select the fine and look for Z order in your properties

You can see the Z Order of my vine is 12 and the Z Order of my Hero is 1

This is like layers in piskel or photoshop

Change the vine Z layer to -1

Change the Z order of the vine to -1 and test

You pumpkin should be in front now

Now let's make an animated wall

Add new object


Name Sprite Wall

Add animation

Make a simple 32x32 wall looking square

Save it an name the Animation Wallsmall

Add another animation to your wall and call it Walltall

We are going to copy the wall small and paste it in the wall tall (like we did with the coin)

Open up Walltall in piskel

Paste the wall

Click Resize

Click on the anchor so that you are increasing the height from the bottom middle

Change your height to 256 and hit enter

Duplicate the frame

add a new layer

Copy your first layer and paste it in your second layer then move it directly on top of the first layer

Repeat these steps until you wall is to the top

You should now name three frames with the wall getting taller

Do not click loop this time 

You only want this to happen once

Add your wall to the game

Time to add an event

What we want to happen is have the wall grow when the hero collides with it by switching the animation

So the If then statement would be

If the hero is in collision with the wall then charge the animation of wall to #1 or Walltall 

Test it out

So it worked... kinda

We want the wall to get taller though

In order to fix this, we need to modify the Points

Open up Edit Wall

Click on Edit Points

When we look at the points in Animation #0 and Animation 1, we see that they  don't have the same Origin and Center so the animation is not starting where we want. In order to fice this, we need to have the origin start at the bottom

Add the platform behavior to the wall


It doesn't work because we need to fix the collision mask (the area where the objectis actuall in collision)

Click Edit Collision mask and check out Animation @ Frame 0

Our collision is way up at the top and not actually covering the object

Fix this by clicking Use custom collision mask

The colission masks for the animations are not going to be the same on this one because they are diffrent sizes

They masks are going to be different in each frame as well so you do not want to share the same collision for all sprites

Go through each Animation and Frames

Make sure the collision mask is covering the wall


Our events are getting pretty big so it's time to organize a little bit before we continue adding more

Add three event groups

Name the groups Player, Camera and Collision and place the events in the appropriate group

Open up your Hero sprite

Edit in Piskel

Copy your first frame


Add new Animation

Name it HeroRight

Edit in piskel

paste the hero

Modify the frame so that your pumpkin is facing right

We are now going to create sub events

Add new event

Now let's create a jumping animation for the Hero 

Open up and add animation

Name it Herojump

Copy your original Hero and paste it in the first frame of Herojump

Create an animation that will play when the Hero jumps

Go back to events

Create a subevent in your Hero Is Moving Event

Condition will be Hero is Jumping

Action will be Change the animation of Hero set to Hero Jump

Test and Save