Simple Math
Mon Warm-up - 3 Points
Tue Warm-up - 3 Points
Wed Warm-up - 3 Points
Thu Warm-up - 3 Points
Fri Warm-up - 3 Points
Robot - 3 Points
Maze - 3 Points
Scene - 3 Points
24 Points including 15 in Warm-Ups
Let's say you skip three of the warm-ups so now you have 15/25
Your grade for the week is 63% or a D
If you are okay with taking a 63% because you didn't want to read and write about an article, that is on you. This is your last semester of obligatory schooling. You really shouldn't go out like that but you are all a few months away from being adults.
Start with the warm up
Write a short story or monologue from the point of view of a video game character
Make it at least a half page
The Thirst…
It all started when I was 17 years old, I was camping with my family at Lake Nacimiento. Nothing exceptional was happening at this camping trip, it was boring as usual. My dad was claiming he knew how to fish but never catching anything, my brother Luigi always burning his marshmallow on the campfire and complaining about it, my mom always fanatical about us using SPF 50 Sunblock. It was another dull camping trip until the second evening when I woke up in the middle of the night because I had to go pee… Too many Mountain Dews. When we are camping, my mom doesn’t guard the sugary snacks and drinks like she does at home so I take full advantage.
So I got up and out of my sleeping bag, unzipped the tent and felt the cool evening air against my skin.
I slipped on my flipflops and headed over to the communal bathrooms, hopefully they had been serviced because they were pretty tore back yesterday.
On the way over, I suddenly felt an overwhelming feeling of peace and love. It was a moment that I will never forget because it was the last moment of peace I have ever had.
Out of the corner of my eye, I notice a gleam over by some trees away from the campsite. I am feeling so good that I walk directly to it even though I have no flashlight and I have no idea what it is, I am drawn to it like a moth to a bug zapper. As I get closer to it, I forget all about having to use the bathroom and I am overcome with emotions. Tears start to stream down my cheeks as if every milliliter of serotonin was blasted though my body at once.
I felt true love
I approached the light and realized it was a star. I could feel warmth radiating from it as I got close enough to touch it and just like the moth in a bug zapper, when I touched it, everything went black.
When I awoke, I was in a strange new land. The terrain familiar but the colors were off somehow. I had an annoying pain in my side and I knew the only way to make it go away was to get back to that star. I had no idea where it was but I knew I had to find it, the thirst for that feeling was too great and I would risk everything to feel love again.
It was daylight and I started my journey.
I had no idea how long I had been knocked out for but the sun was warm and I was feeling hungry. With no tools or weapons, I would have to forage for my next meal… to bad I have no experience other than watching a few episodes of Naked and Afraid. I was neither naked nor afraid, all I wanted was to get to the star. Get back to feeling good again.
As I walked along, I came across some shiny bricks, they stood out from the rest of the scenery and looked like they didn’t belong. I picked one up and saw a large red and white mushroom under it. I was hungry and I felt compelled to eat it so I did. My hunger was immediately gone and the ends of my toes started to tickle. The feeling slowly started to creep up to my foot, then ankle and calf. It went up to my knees and past my hips. Something was happening; I felt powerful. I felt like I could smash through the world and take what I wanted.
What are you learning?
Why is it important?
Because3D animation is cool
How do you show that you understand? What is the assignment?
Follow along and create your own
More Armature for ya bone structure
Click Add-ons
Search for Rigify
Click Add > Armature > Human
Go into Xray Mode
Add a cube to make a foot and place it on the left side of the armature
Click on the modifier wrench
Click Add Modifier
Click Generate > Mirror
Select Mirror Modifier
Select X Axis
Click on the Eye Dropper in Mirror Object
Click the foot armature
You should have a Mirrored Foot
Create a lower leg
Add loop cuts like you did before
Mirror the lower leg just like you did with the foot
In Object Mode
Add an upper leg
Add a sphere for the midsection
Create a torso
Build out the rest of the one side of the body around the armature then mirror
Join the objects
Deselect all the armature
Select the object first
then select the armature by hitting control + shift
Press Control + P to make it a Parent
Set Parent to Automatic Weights
Click on your wrench
Go to your Armature and select Preserve volume
Test your model and if things are wonky
Go to Weight Paint Mode
Click on the data and find the areas with problems
Select the joints
Paint around the joints
Red is more
Blue is less
Use these tools and play around until you get it
Graph Editor
Use the vertical Split to pull out a new workspace
Select Graph Editor
With the ball selected, notice the three axis
Click an empty area in the graph editor the select just the Y axis
Use the scroll wheel to zoom in
Play your animation
then Pull out the handle and see what it does
Notice it makes the ball start off fast and then slow down? This is very similar to the EASE function in Adobe Premiere
Explore the Graph Editor until you get a feel for it
Let's make that janky robot move...
Open the robot in the layout workspace, wire frame and pose mode
Next select one of the "bones" and press A to select all the armature
Add a keyframe to frame 1
Scrub over to frame 10
Rotate you bones and add another keyframe
Scrub over to frame 20
Rotate you bones and add another keyframe
Change your end frame to 20 and test
Right Click on your keyframe at frame 10 and copy
paste it in frame 30
Hide the armature in your collection
Switch to solid display
Make sure Object Mode, Solid Display Mode and toggle Xray are all selected
Select Armature first while holding Shift
then with shift still being held, select the object so that both are selected
Switch to weight paint mode
To select the bone you with to use, you now have to hold Control + Shift THIS IS NEW in Blender 4
Pull up your timeline
With your object selected, hover over it and press I (for Insert keyframe) at the first frame
Select Location, Rotation and Scale
Slide your scrubber to the 40th frame on your timeline/dopesheet
This is where we will be ending our location, rotation and scale
Move your cube to a different location (you can use the G Key to grab)
Shrink your cube to a different size (you can use the S Key to scale)
Rotate your cube (you can use the R Key to rotate)
Add another Keyframe at the 40th frame
Click Autokeyframing
Move your scrubber to 60
Repeat the process in a different L,R,S
Notice that it adds the keyframe for you
At the 40 mark, go to your keyframe
Hold the G Key
Move your keyframe to the 10th frame and move your keyframe on the 60th frame to 20
It completes the L,R,S in the time you set the keyframe to finish, making it faster
Scrub over to the 30th frame and add a keyframe without adding any L,R,S
This will stop all movement during this time
Slide your scrubber to the 60th frame on your timeline/dopesheet
This is where we will be ending our location, rotation and scale
Move your cube to a different location (you can use the G Key to grab)
Shrink your cube to a different size (you can use the S Key to scale)
Rotate your cube (you can use the R Key to rotate)
With Autokeyframe, one should be put in for you
Test it out
Click on the shading workspace
Click ADD>Texture>Checker Texture
Choose two colors for your pattern
Connect the color node to base color
Add a timeline into your workspace
Get between your two work areas (you will have a double arrow
Right Click and select Horizontal Split
Switch the editor to timeline
You will need to add a keyframe for your Texture
Hover over your texture node and press I to insert a Keyframe
You should have a Material in your Summary
Expand it and you should see Shader Nodetree with a keyframe
Add a keyframe by hovering over the texture node and pressing I key
Scrub over to frame 10
Change the color 1
repeat with frame 20, 30 and 40
Make sure yiou are in modeling workspace
Add 8 loop cuts to all the arms and legs
This is where your bends will happen
Select everything and join them all by pressing Control + J
Now we will add the Armature
Select Wireframe View
Next we will ADD Armature
The armature is sililar to the joints and bones
Switch from Object Mode to Edit Mode
Move your first piece to the center and scale it do that the top joint at the arm height
Select the top joint and press E to extrude the next pieceto the shoulder
Extrude that joint to the elbow and continue until all the bot is done
Once you have this done, switch back to object mode
Deselect all the armature
Select the object first
then select the armature by hitting control + shift
Press Control + P to make it a Parent
Set Parent to Automatic Weights
Deselect and select just the armature
Switch to Pose Mode
Press R to rotate and pose