
IGD is more like a studio than a class

It's totally different and it takes some time to get used to BUT NOW IS THE TIME!

We are starting to work in teams so you need to all step up and do you part. If you really want a career in this industry, you need to be prepared to outwork everyone because I assure you that your competition is willing to outwork you. 

I don't expect perfection but please leave this class with as much working knowledge as possible.


AM will have time to work on their project from 7:45am - 9:45am

AM will head over to the theater for a presentation from the Gnoman School of Special Effects, Video Games and Animation for the last hour of class.

PM will head over to the theater at 12:50pm for a presentation from the Gnoman School of Special Effects, Video Games and Animation for the last hour of class.

PM will have time to work on their project from 1:55pm - 3:50pm

Be good to the sub!


At minimum, you need to come to class looking like a Best Buy Employee

Shirt with a collar and no jeans

This will be worth 1 Point each week and they add up so please come in pro dress on Thursdays

Start off the day with the warm-up

Tell me the best things about you? What do you like about yourself/what do others like about you?

Tell me the best things about you... brag a little. If you are in this class, you have something amazing inside of you, tell me about it.

So let me tell you about the best things about me...

I root for the Las Vegas Raiders Football Team. This does not mean I paint myself silver and black every Sunday and scream at the television. What this does mean is that I am ferociously loyal. The Raiders have been a horrible team for as long as you have been alive. Being a Raider Fan also means that I understand that perfection is not likely. For over a decade, the organization has made bad coaching decisions, bad trades, bad draft picks, bad calls, bad plays, bad refs, bad, bad, bad. 

The decisions the Raiders make have nothing to do with me personally so I don’t take them personally. The decisions that you make in class (hopefully) have nothing to do with me so I don’t take them personally either. Why does this matter? Because you are and will forever be in this IGD Family now. You are going to make mistakes, you might forget to do something, you may say something very uncool in class, you may just be having a really bad day… it happens.

My goal in this class is to help bring greatness out of you. I am ferociously loyal to you!  I want you to create things better than you ever dreamed you could and the best way I know how to do that is to push you to learn/practice/work. 

So yeah, even though they are terrible, being a Raiders Supporter is one of the best things about me (and just like there is always next season, for you there's always tomorrow).

What are you learning?

Game Design with SMBX - Creating your own world

Why is it important?

You are now designing your own complete game

How do you show that you understand? What is the assignment?

In groups of three you are to create your own SMBX Game/World


4 Points - Each level is worth 1 points (Each level lasting at least 3 min and has an ending)

1 Point - Game Cover

1 Point - Warp

1 Point - Use af flags

1 Point - Use of layers and events

1 Point - Modifying NPCs

1 Point - Modifying sounds

5 points - Mapping of your levels and world - Each level and world must be storyboarded/planned out and drawn on paper. You are to plan out your level, not just go with the flow. This is NOT how a professional game dev works.

Total 15 Points