Start off the day with the warm-up
Read this article https://boingboing.net/2015/06/16/super-mario-maker-design.html
Once you have read the article, write a summary and turn it in to google classroom.
1/2 page
double spaced
times or arial
Worth 3 points
What are you learning?
Game Design with SMBX
Why is it important?
We will be creating a world in SMBX. You will be designing the game and creating the story of the game.
How do you show that you understand? What is the assignment?
You are to download and install SMBX
Deploy SMBX and play the game until it is time for instruction
You will eventually be creating your own world so pay attention to the game play, the sounds, the backgrounds, the NPCs and start thinking about how you would build your game.
To move around - Arrow key
To extend Level - Settings > Level Boundry (choose direction) > Arrow > Click
Create a background
Add Exit
Level Settings > Start Location
File > Save > Test Level
Add some bad guys (NPCs)
Add a Warp - Settings >Section > Add second section > Blocks & Tiles > Pipes
Add coins
Add Warp >Warps and doors
Keyboard Controls
Jump = Z
Run/Grab/Fireball = X
Alternate Jump = A
Alternate Run = S
Drop Item = Shift
Pause = Escape
Pick Up = Down Arrow + A
We will be getting controllers, they have been ordered but they have not come in yet.