
 Start off the day with the warm-up

Talk about stuff

Reducing polygons


What are you learning? 

Blender Tools

Why is it important? 

We will be working on 3D Painting

How do you show that you understand? What is the assignment? 

Turn in your painted monkey, your golden monkey and either a painted head or creature from yesterday 

Worth 3 Points

3D Paint

Start a new Blender project and delete the cube


Right Click on the Monkey and select Shade Smooth


Click the Modes Drop down (top left) and select Vertex Paint

Then click the Active Tool and Workspace button to show the properties

Enable the mesh symmetry on the X axis just like you did with the head

Select a color and test it out by painting the monkey

Notice when you are in Viewport Shading Solid Mode you can see the color but if you are in Viewport Shading Material Preview Mode, you can't. This is because you do not have a material set

Click on Object Data Properties

Click on Attributes

Notice the attribute

Click on the Shading Workspace

Click on New to create a new material

This will open up Principled BSDF which use physically based shaders (based on physics). The Principled BSDF is a combination of multiple layers to make it easier to use, as you can simply see by looking at the node there is not only Base Color and Roughness but also Subsurface Scattering, Transmission, Metallic, Clearcoat, Sheen etc. 

Click back on the object data properties and open Attributes

To the left of your Principled BSDF, Click ADD>Input>Color Attribute

Drop your Color Attribute down to the left of the Principled BDSF

Connect your Color Attribute Node to your base color node

You should now see the color on your monkey

Notice the attribute has the same name. You are taking this color attribute and sending it to your base color

Go to your sculpting workspace and select VERTEX PAINT MODE

Paint it! You may also use SHIFT + K to paint the entire thing but practice painting

Click on Color Palette in your properties and click new 

Select a color on your color wheel and then click + to add it

Paint some of the monkey with the new color

Change the strength of the brush so you can see that it paints with a little opacity

Another one...

Add monkey

Right Click Shade Auto Smooth

Edit Mode

Face Select


Add (plus)


Call it Monkey

Click Base Color and choose a goldish color

Click Material Preview Mode and you should see your gold Monkey

Explore the settings and get to a color you like

Select the Eyes by holding Shirt + Click

Then add a new material by clicking the + 

After clicking +, click New

Name the Material EYE

Change the color to a color you like then click assign