
Start your day with a warm-up


Summarize and share your thoughts.


What are you learning?

Weapon System, changing animations, importing meshes.

Why is it important?

This is the start of everything. We are building a game so it is important that you follow along. If you start going on your own and fall behind, it is unfair to stop the class because you chose to do your own thing. If you are confident that you know what you are doing, I have no issues with you moving on your own but you will be held accountable for the project.

How do you show that you understand? What is the assignment?

Follow along and build the game.

Grab this animation and copy it to your desktop

Let's create a box in blueprints.

Right click > Blueprint Class > Actor

Name it BP_Box

Open it

In your BP_Cube Blueprint

Add a cube in y9our componenmts

Find Physics in the details panel

Select physics

Click Simulate Physics

Click mass

Chance the mass to 35kg (so you can actually move it)

Go to your game map and stack some boxes near your pressure plate so you can knock them down and make the door open

Compile, save and test

Make sure the box can open the door

Light Switch

Right click > Blueprint Class > Actor

Name it BP_Lights

Open it

In components, add a cube (we will make a little platform)

Add lights

Add > Point Light (We want this to be a child of the cube this time)

Change the color and increase the intensity

Add a second point light and make it a different color

Make sure it is a child of the cube and not the first point light

Add a box collision to your cube and make it fit the cube

Open your event graph

From Event Begin Play, oull out Set Visibility (Point Light)

Click new visibility on (make it true.... booleans baby!)

Pull out a delay from set visibility

Make it 1 second

From our delay, pull out another set visibility (make sure it is on the same point light you used)

This time do not check the new visibility box so it is false

Add another delay

Now we are going to make a look so it keeps going 

From the output of our delay, pull out the node and connect it to the input of the original set visibility

If you want to pull out and make the node wider so it is easier to see, just double click it then pull it out

Compile Save Drag your Light Box in the game map and test

Next go back to the event graph and break the lnode from event begin play to set visibility

From Event Begin Play, add a Flip Flop

Flip Flip will alternate the actions A & B

Connect Flip Flop A to Set Visibility

Now we are going to duplicate the nodes we created for our first light by copy and pasting then change the name to our second light

Notice that once it finishes, it loops back to Set Visibility and not Flip Flop. We need to break the link and connect them to Flip Flop to complete the loop properly

To do this, right click on the Set visibility input and hover to Break Link to Reroute Node

You will also need to do this for the final delay on order to connect it to the flip flop node.

Compile, save and test

Connect the outputs of the delays to the input of the flip flop

Compile, Save and test

Time to make a health bar

Open your content folder and add a new folder called UI then open it

Right Click

Select User Interface > Widget Blueprint

Select User Widget

Name it WB_HealthBar for Widget Blueprint and open it

In the WB_Healthbar

Search for Canval Panel in the palette

Drag it into the Healthbar Hierarchy

In palette, search for Progress Bar and add it to the workspace in the top left corner

Change the color to red or whatever you wish

You can preview the color by adding a number to the Percent in the progress in details

We are going to place the anchors by clicking on the flower/pinwheel type thing

We do this so the bar stays put no matter what the screen scale is set to

In the progress, add 100 opercent and click bind

This will create a widget that will send/receive info

From the Get percent, pull out asnd add Cast to BP_ThirdpersonCharacter

From the Object add Get Player Character Node

From the As BP Third Person Character output, add Get Health Variable

From the health pin, we needf to add a divide because we need the health hits to be proken up sp that it takes off a portion of the progress bar depending on the number left in the variable.

You need to make sure the number you gave for health in the BP_ThirdPersonCharacter is the number you are dividing by

Connect the green output of the divide into the return value

Compile, save

Open your BP Third Person

Find the Add Input Mapping at the top of the Event Graph

Pull out a Create Widget Node from Add Mapping Context

The Class will be WB_healthbar

From the Owning Player input, pull out and add Get Player Controller

From the create heathbar widget output add a add to viewport node AND connect the return value to target

Compile, save, test