

Tomorrow is our Community college application workshop.


Seniors should bring a laptop and be in the theater at 8:00 for AM and 1:00 for PM

What's happening today...

First Hour - English

Last Hours - Know your Roots

Start off the day with the warm-up

Read the article below and share your thoughts. Wht do you think Nintendo thinks Palworld is ripping them off? Why do you think the makers of Palworld believe it is okay? Is this satire and therefore protected? Do you think Nintendo deserves to win this lawsuit? Why or why not? Use the article to backup your thoughts.

Nintendo, Pokemon Co. File Lawsuit Against Pocketpair Over 'Palworld' (variety.com) 

Half Page

3 Points

What are you learning?

Video Game History

Why is it important?

Three reasons

How do you show that you understand? What is the assignment?

Sit back and learn a few things about the history of this industry


4 Points - Each level is worth 1 points (Each level lasting at least 3 min and has an ending)

1 Point - Game Cover

1 Point - Warp

1 Point - Use af flags

1 Point - Use of layers and events

1 Point - Modifying NPCs

1 Point - Modifying sounds

5 points - Mapping of your levels and world - Each level and world must be storyboarded/planned out and drawn on paper. You are to plan out your level, not just go with the flow. This is NOT how a professional game dev works.

Total 15 Points


If Mario is not showing up at the start of your world, watch the video below

You must give your world a name in the settings menu on order for it to show up in the game!