Start off the day with the warm-up
Let's talk about pets
Do you have one? Did you ever want one? How did you end up with your pet? What is their name(s)? Do you have any interesting stories about your pet? If you never wanted a pet, why not? If you have nothing to say, make something up.
We have two cats, one is named Maximo and one is named Mooshie. Maximo was an orphan kitten in Gilroy, CA, the mother was hit by a car so this cat was wandering around my Auntie's House. She bottle fed him until he could eat regular fgood and then she looked for a home for the guy. We told him that he could live with us and he has been here ever since.
The other cat, Mooshie has a bit of a shadier story if I am being truthful. Mooshie was living in downtown Fresno in some bushes. There are lots of cats living down there because there is this very fertile mother cat that keeps having kittens. My wife's boss is a cat rescue lady and has been trying to cath the momma cat for years but she is very slick. In the meantime, she catches the kittens, takes them to the vet and gets them fixed and brings them back then lets them go, it's called T-N-R, trap neuter return.
So my wife calls me and says she is goingto be bringing another cat home. I tell her that is not a good idea because Maximo is pretty old and probably doesn't need a kitten messing with him. Apparently my sage advice was not convincing because she returned home that day with scratches on her arms but no cat.
I told her that it was a sign and to leave the cat alone but she was determined to take this cat from it's home.
From what I understand, the next day she pretended she was just walking by this cat but she had a large beach towel that she threw on top of this poor kitten and pounced on it like a lion on a gazelle then stuffed it in a cat carrier and brought it some.
Now we have two cats but don't get me wrong, I like Mooshie, he is part of the family but I wasn't for bringing him home in the beginning.
half page
3 points
What are you learning?
Why is it important?
Now that we have created a came with SMBX and learned about level, storyboarding, NPCs and design, it's time to go to the next step... adding physics, conditions, actions, scenes, If/Then statements and more!
GDevelop uses the Box2D Physics Engine
How do you show that you understand? What is the assignment?
Today we are going to start playing around with Gdevelop.
Test some of the prebuilt games
If the games are running slow, close some of your applications (our computers in need of a refresh).
We will them explore the program together.
Items we will discuss today
Jumpthru platform
Center Cameras with NO CONDITION so it always runs
Changing the animation when it touches another object
Our events are getting pretty big so it's time to organize a little bit before we continue adding more
Add three event groups
Name the groups Player, Camera and Collision and place the events in the appropriate group
Open up your Hero sprite
Edit in Piskel
Copy your first frame
Add new Animation
Name it HeroRight
Edit in piskel
paste the hero
Modify the frame so that your pumpkin is facing right
We are now going to create sub events
Add new event
Now let's create a jumping animation for the Hero
Open up and add animation
Name it Herojump
Copy your original Hero and paste it in the first frame of Herojump
Create an animation that will play when the Hero jumps
Go back to events
Create a subevent in your Hero Is Moving Event
Condition will be Hero is Jumping
Action will be Change the animation of Hero set to Hero Jump
Test and Save
when the hero moves right, and it stops moving, the sprite is still facing right. We want it to return to the idle pumpkin
To do this, we are going to use an inverted condition. This sounds exciting but alas, it is actually rather dull.
Create a new event
Select the hero and is Moving but this time click on the Invert Condition
All we are doing is saying When the playing isn't moving
We are going to change the animation to Pumpkin
Test and save
When you go left, the hero still faced right
Create a new event to fix this
Add a new event
Add condition
The condition is key pressed and the key is the right key
The action we are going to use is Flip Horizontally and select NO for activate flipping
The reason we are doing this is because the hero already faces right when we move but when the condition left key is pressed, it permanently flips the sprite so we have to flip it back when we hit the right key
Now let's to the same for the left key but this time we will activate the flipping
We will add a sound to the jump by adding another event
So when the Hero is Jumping
Now add a secondary condition called Trigger Once
Action is play a sound
Create a sound
Test and Save
Try to create a climbimg animation on your own
Add an event
The if/then
If the hero is on the ladder then change the animation to the climbing animation
We are going to mess with LERPs
Lerp - Linear Interpolation, is a mathematical function that returns a value between two others at a point on a linear scale.
Basically it eases the transition between two values over time.
So the math here is lerp (X,Y,Z)
X = Start Value
Y = End Value
Z = Value to interpolate Start and End (tfor our purposes, the speed that the camera follows
Now we are going to change the focus of the camera off the Hero and on the X position
Delete the action for your camera event so you have an empty event
Create a new action
Center Camera X position
Value is:
lerp(CameraX(), Hero.X(), 0.25)
So our start value is the Camera's X Position - CameraX()
Our end value is the Hero's X position - Hero.X()
The interpolation (speed) is 0.25
Test this out and change the last value until you have the LERP that you like.
Do the same for the camera Y position
Time for Parallax
Add a new object
Name Clouds
Add animation
Size 256 x 256
Make a cloud
New we are going to add a three layers
Your base layer is where all the game play is happening
name the three new layers Front, Middle, Back
Reorder your layer if you wish
With your base layer selected, drop in a cloud and move it to the middle layer
You should now be able to see your platforms in front of the cloud
Add another and rotate it
Make a moon
Add a new object
Name Moon
Add animation
Size 256 x 256
Make a Moon
Add it in the scene and place it on the back layer so that it is behind the cloud
Now we will give that Parallax look
We are going to change the camera follow speed at different layers
Go to your events
Add a new event
Place it under Camera
We want it to be all the time so condition is blank
The action is going to be Camera center X position
So the camera is going to go at the speed of the hero x .8
Do the same thing for the Middle Layer
Time to make an external event
Add a new object
Name Blade
Add animation