English First
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Text 81010
Start off the day with the warm-up
Tell me about the Gnomon School presentation.
What looks interesting? What looked horrible? Give me a review.
If you missed the presentation, look up the Gnomon School Website and write a half page summary.
Something to consider
Gnomon, UC Santa Cruz, and Cal Poly are in the top 10 school for an education in Game Design.
Tuition comparision (not including living expenses)
Gnomon - $31,000 - The Cadillac of schools, based in Hollywood, career placement opportunities
UC Santa Cruz - $14,000 - Part of the UC System, close to the bay area if you are looking for internships or future jobs
Cal Poly - $11,000 - A Cal Poly Degree stands out when looking for jobs
What are you learning?
Game Design with SMBX - Creating your own world
Why is it important?
You are now designing your own complete game
How do you show that you understand? What is the assignment?
In groups of three you are to create your own SMBX Game/World
Create each of the four levels (land, sea, air, dungeon). I want each level to last about 3-5 Minutes and YOU MUST BE ABLE TO BEAT YOUR OWN LEVEL. Don't make it so hard that it is not fun.
Once you have created your own levels, create your world
Come up with a name for the game you have created and design a cover. You may use any medium you wish... pencil and paper, piskel, photoshop, illustrator, collage or whatever you would like.
Prepare to present your game to the class and play it live.
You game must have a title and a theme so the levels all connect somehow.
4 Points - Each level is worth 1 points (Each level lasting at least 3 min and has an ending)
1 Point - Game Cover
1 Point - Warp
1 Point - Use af flags
1 Point - Use of layers and events
1 Point - Modifying NPCs
1 Point - Modifying sounds
5 points - Mapping of your levels and world - Each level and world must be storyboarded/planned out and drawn on paper. You are to plan out your level, not just go with the flow. This is NOT how a professional game dev works.
Total 15 Points