
Start with the warm up


Read the article, summarize and share your opinion. Do you think it is fair to have a tariff on a digital game where there is no physical copy?

What are you learning?

UV Mapping and Wrapping

Why is it important?

Adding testure to 3D objects make them look even more realistic.

How do you show that you understand? What is the assignment?

Download the files from Google Classroom and open Blender

Follow me on the first two projects


Create at least two Minecraft or Roblox Characters, find the art online and use your map n wrap skills to turn them in.


Die 1 - 1 Point

Bevelled Die - 1 point

Minecraft characters with scene art - 3 Points

Total 5 points

Let's wrap!

Click on Materials

Change the name of the material to face1

Click on the base color button

Select Image texture

Find your 1die image and select then click open image

Select Material View

Go to your UV Editing Workspace

Switch to UV Face Select Mode

Select a face on your cube

Select the white box in your UV Editing workspace

Press G to grab it

Move it to the center of the die

Press S to scale it until it covers the entire die

Select the next face

Click Materials Properties

Click Add New Material

After you click the plus, click New

Once again click base color

Image Texture

Once again click open 

find 2die


Name texture face2

Click open image

Select your second image

Once again

Select the white box in your UV Editing workspace

Press G to grab it

Move it to the center of the die

Press S to scale it until it covers the entire die

Click Assign

Repeat these steps until you have added numbers to all sides

Let's Map

Click on Materials

Change the name of the material to face1

Click on the base color button

Select Image texture

Find your diceall image and select then click open image

Select Material View

Go to your UV Editing Workspace

Switch to UV Face Select Mode

Select a face on your cube

Press U

Select Project From View

Select Vertex Mode

Select the top left vertex

Press G for grab

Pull the vertex to the top left corner of the 1 die

Move each vertices to the corresponding corner of the one die

Select another face and map the next face using the same steps

Repeat all steps until you have covered all faces

Switch to object mode

Add a bevel modifier to round the corners

More Armature for ya bone structure

Click Add-ons

Search for Rigify

Click Add > Armature > Human

Go into Xray Mode

Add a cube to make a foot and place it on the left side of the armature

Click on the modifier wrench

Click Add Modifier

Click Generate > Mirror

Select Mirror Modifier

Select X Axis

Click on the Eye Dropper in Mirror Object

Click the foot armature

You should have a Mirrored Foot


Create a lower leg

Add loop cuts like you did before

Mirror the lower leg just like you did with the foot

In Object Mode

Add an upper leg


Add a sphere for the midsection

Create a torso

Build out the rest of the one side of the body around the armature then mirror 

Join the objects 

Deselect all the armature

Select the object first

then select the armature by hitting control + shift

Press Control + P to make it a Parent

Set Parent to Automatic Weights

Click on your wrench

Go to your Armature and select Preserve volume

Test your model and if things are wonky

Go to Weight Paint Mode

Click on the data and find the areas with problems

Select the joints

Paint around the joints

Red is more

Blue is less

Use these tools and play around until you get it

Graph Editor

Use the vertical Split to pull out a new workspace

Select Graph Editor

With the ball selected, notice the three axis

Click an empty area in the graph editor the select just the Y axis

Use the scroll wheel to zoom in

Play your animation

then Pull out the handle and see what it does

Notice it makes the ball start off fast and then slow down? This is very similar to the EASE function in Adobe Premiere

Explore the Graph Editor until you get a feel for it  

Let's make that janky robot move...

Open the robot in the layout workspace, wire frame and pose mode

Next select one of the "bones" and press A to select all the armature

Add a keyframe to frame 1

Scrub over to frame 10

Rotate you bones and add another keyframe

Scrub over to frame 20

Rotate you bones and add another keyframe

Change your end frame to 20 and test

Right Click on your keyframe at frame 10 and copy

paste it in frame 30

Hide the armature in your collection

Switch to solid display


Make sure Object Mode, Solid Display Mode and toggle Xray are all selected

Select Armature first while holding Shift

then with shift still being held, select the object so that both are selected

Switch to weight paint mode

To select the bone you with to use, you now have to hold Control + Shift THIS IS NEW in Blender 4

Pull up your timeline

With your object selected, hover over it and press I (for Insert keyframe) at the first frame

Select Location, Rotation and Scale

Slide your scrubber to the 40th frame on your timeline/dopesheet

This is where we will be ending our location, rotation and scale

Move your cube to a different location (you can use the G Key to grab)

Shrink your cube to a different size (you can use the S Key to scale)

Rotate your cube (you can use the R Key to rotate)

Add another Keyframe at the 40th frame

Click Autokeyframing

Move your scrubber to 60 

Repeat the process in a different L,R,S

Notice that it adds the keyframe for you

At the 40 mark, go to your keyframe 

Hold the G Key

Move your keyframe to the 10th frame and move your keyframe on the 60th frame to 20

It completes the L,R,S in the time you set the keyframe to finish, making it faster

Scrub over to the 30th frame and add a keyframe without adding any L,R,S

This will stop all movement during this time

Slide your scrubber to the 60th frame on your timeline/dopesheet

This is where we will be ending our location, rotation and scale

Move your cube to a different location (you can use the G Key to grab)

Shrink your cube to a different size (you can use the S Key to scale)

Rotate your cube (you can use the R Key to rotate)

With Autokeyframe, one should be put in for you

Test it out

Click on the shading workspace

Click ADD>Texture>Checker Texture

Choose two colors for your pattern

Connect the color node to base color

Add a timeline into your workspace

Get between your two work areas (you will have a double arrow

Right Click and select Horizontal Split

Switch the editor to timeline 

You will need to add a keyframe for your Texture

Hover over your texture node and press I to insert a Keyframe

You should have a Material in your Summary

Expand it and you should see Shader Nodetree with a keyframe

Add a keyframe by hovering over the texture node and pressing I key

Scrub over to frame 10

Change the color 1


repeat with frame 20, 30 and 40


Make sure yiou are in modeling workspace

Add 8 loop cuts to all the arms and legs

This is where your bends will happen


Select everything and join them all by pressing Control + J

Now we will add the Armature

Select Wireframe View

Next we will ADD Armature

The armature is sililar to the joints and bones

Switch from Object Mode to Edit Mode

Move your first piece to the center and scale it do that the top joint at the arm height

Select the top joint and press E to extrude the next pieceto the shoulder

Extrude that joint to the elbow and continue until all the bot is done

Once you have this done, switch back to object mode

Deselect all the armature

Select the object first

then select the armature by hitting control + shift

Press Control + P to make it a Parent

Set Parent to Automatic Weights

Deselect and select just the armature

Switch to Pose Mode

Press R to rotate and pose