Start your day with a warm-up
What are you learning?
Weapon System, changing animations, importing meshes.
Why is it important?
This is the start of everything. We are building a game so it is important that you follow along. If you start going on your own and fall behind, it is unfair to stop the class because you chose to do your own thing. If you are confident that you know what you are doing, I have no issues with you moving on your own but you will be held accountable for the project.
How do you show that you understand? What is the assignment?
Follow along and build the game.
Download and install
We want the FBX Version of the gun
In the FAB, download the Animation Starter Pack
Launch Unreal Engine
Select third person
Scalable quality
Make sure starter content is checked
Name it
Exit out
From your Unreal Games Launcher, select your unreal library
find and add the animation starter pack into your project
Find the game you just created and click add to project
If you get an incompatible message, select 5.2 version and it will work.
Open your game
Now you should be able to see a folder with all the animations that you added from the starter pack
We are going to add these animations to the project
In the animstarterpack folder, search for idle
right click Idle_Rifle_Hip
Hover over Retarget Animation Assets
select Duplicate and Retarget Animation Assets/Blueprints
Change the IK Retargeter to RTG_UE4Manny, UE5Manny
So what is happening is that it is converting the skeleton to use the updated UE Character
Click Retarget
We now have the new mannequin in the game
Create a new folder
Place your animation in the folder
We will do the same thing with the Jog_Fwd_Rifle
and add it to the folder
We will do the same thing with the Fire_Shotgun_Ironsights
and add it to the folder
Open up the your folder with the new animations
Right click in the open space
Hover over Animation
Select Blend Space
Choose SK_Mannequin
Name it (I called mine ShotgunBlendSpace)
Open it by double clicking
The blend space transitions the different animations so it looks smooth during gameplay based on a value
Dock your Shotgun blend space
Open Horizontal Axis
The value for this blend space is Speed so change the name to Speed
We will update the character speed on the Maximum Axis Value to 500
The reason we are changing it to 500 is because when we open up our third person character blueprint, we can see that the max walk speed is 500
You need these numbers to match
Go back to the blend space that you created
In your Asset Browser search for Idle Rifle Hip
If your asset browser is not showing, click window and select asset browser
Drag it to the start of your animation
Do the same for jog and add it to the other end of the timeline
You should see a red line connecting the two points
Now if you hold control and scrub along the line connecting the idle and jog, you can see that it transitions from the idle to job, kind of like a tween
Open up your Shotgun Assets folder
Right click and select Animation Blueprint
Select SK_Mannequin (SK stands for skeleton)
Name it BP_Shotty or whatever you wish
Open up the blueprint
You will see that we are in the AnimGraph instead of the event graph but you can switch back and forth
In the Asset Browser find the ShotgunBlendSpace that you created
Drag it into the blueprint
We don't want to connect the Blend Space to the Output Pose
If we did just this, we would NOT have our shotgun animation included
For this, we need to create a montage
Disconnect the two nodes
From the shotgun blend space output, pull out and select slot default slot
Connect the output of the slot default slot to the input of the output pose
We are doing this so that we can play the shotgun animation later
Change the speed in your Shotgun blend space to 100 then compile
You can see the player is barely moving
Change it to 500 and compile
You can see it is moving way faster.
So what we want to do is make this Speed a variable so it changes depending on what we are doing
Right Click on the Speed Input of the node and select promote to variable
Switch to the event graph
Right click and add the node Event Blueprint Initialize Animation
So when the game starts, this starts as well
You want to send this information to the character that you are using so we are going to pull out from the output of Try Get Pawn Owner
Connect the output of your Event Blueprint Initialize Animation to the input of the Cast to BP_ThirdPersonCharacter
So we are sending the Animation into to the character
From the Character Output in Cast, pull out Get Character Movement
From the character movement node, pull out get velocity
The Get Velocity Node is different from the character movement node
It is a vector parameter (C++). A vector holds info for X,Y,Z which can be an axis or a location, rotation and scale)
Our Speed Variable is a Float
Se are going to want to convert it
From the velocity output, pull out vector length
So now it is sending the value of the velocity
Pull over your Speed Variable
Select Set Speed
Connect your Vector Length output to the Speed input
We DO NOT want to to connect the Cast to Third Person Output to the Set Node because it will only set it one time. We need it to continually update
instead, we want to connect the Event Blueprint Update Animation output to the Set Input
Disconnect the input of the Character Movement
When we cast info, it uses the computer performance more than just grabbing a variable
For this reason, we are going to create a variable by right clicking on the output of the BP Third Person Character and selecting Promote to Variable
Name the variable Character
At the start of the game, it is going to start the blueprint animation and cast to the character then set the character value to a variable
Drag the Character variable and select Get Character
Connect the Character Variable to the Input of the character movement
So now we have the animation firing to cast the info to the character
The cast is converted to a variable
The variable info is then going to the character movement
Open our third person character blueprint
We will be accessing the character movement
Go to Viewport and select the character mesh (NOT THE COLLISION)
With the character mesh selected, change the animation (animation class) to your shotgun animation
You can see the mesh has changes
Compile and play
We are now using the shotgun animation
When the player is not moving, it uses the idle animation and then the player starts moving, it switches to the jog animation
Time to place the shotty!!!
Make sure your gun is downloaded and an FBX
Unzip the file
Create a folder on your desktop called shotgun
Add the source and textures folders to the shotgun folder
Drag your shotgun folder into your content browser
Open up advanced
Select combine meshes (if you don't do this, you will get all the parts instead of the whole)
Import All
Now we have the shotgun static mesh in the source folder
Drag the shotgun mesh from the source to the shotgun folder and select move here
Go to the Shotgun Folder and delete source so all you have is the gun and the textures
Open up the Shotgun static mesh
Notice there are no materials on it yet, it is just the model
Open up your textures folder, right click in the open area
Select Material
Name the Material M_Shotgun (M is for material)
Open up the Shotgun material
Grab all the textures from the Textures Folder in shotgun and drag them into the material graph
The end of each name of the texture corresponds with the nodes
Connect them to the correct inputs
Click Apply at the top left, save and close out the shotgun
Open up the Shotgun Static Mesh
Select your M_Shotgun Material
Now the textures should be applied to the gun
Save it
Open up your Third Person Character Blueprint Viewport
***With the mesh selected***
Click Add
Static Mesh
You want this mesh parented to your original mesh so that it goes where the character goes
Name the mesh Shotgun
Add the shotgun to the static mesh in the details panel
If we just move the shotgun and place it in the hands of the character, it will not look right when we are moving
We need to add sockets to connect the weapon to the character
Open up your SK_Mannequin from your meshes folder
In the search at the top left, type hand and find the right hand (hand_r)
Name it ShotgunRightHand_Socket
Right click on the socket you just created and select Add Preview Asset
Find your shotgun
Move and rotate the gun so that it fits nicely in the players hand
We will Stop here for the day and continue in the next session.