
1984 Showcase Teams

My first goal was to make sure every team had an artist and a programmer

My second goal was to try to set up teams so that nobody was on a team with anyone that they preferred not to be with

My third goal was to place you on a team with people you prefer to work with

AM1 - Jack, Haven, Tero

AM2 - Nadine, Finn, Salli

AM3 - Corbin, Milla,Toleen

AM4 - Kaleb, Khan, Devin

AM5 - Kallvey, James, Casselina

AM6 - Leo, Michael, Emily

AM7 - Jett, Julien, Noah

PM1 - Angel D, Owen, Abby, Loghan

PM2 - Angel A,  Zeke, Isaac

PM3 - Leeanna, Victoria, Weber

PM4 - Aaliyah, Josh, Hailey

PM5 - Marcy, Emilyda, Archer, Isabel

PM6 - Skye, Daxton, Logan


Start off the day with a warm-up

High - Low - Buffalo

Today for your warm-up, I want you to look at the reviews from your Carny Game.

You will tell me one thing good someone said about your game (High)

One thing someone said critical about your game (Low)

One thing random or weird that someone said about your game (Buffalo)

Lastly tell me if there is anything you would change out your game after reading the reviews.

Half page minimum

Project Due Dates

Game Delivered by the end of class - Dec 4th

Design Doc - Dec 6

Presentation - Dec 6

1984 Showcase Game


What are you learning?

Game Development

Why is it important?

This is your showcase project, this is where you are to create a game that is ready to be published and distributed

How do you show that you understand? What is the assignment?

Your showcase project is broken up into three parts


Put together a "Pitch" document explaining the game you are going to create.

Include the members of your team, an explanation of your game, what each team member is doing, the characters you are going to create, a timeline to completions with info on what each team member will be doing each week.

I will be doing weekly progress checks based on these weekly timelines.

Worth 5 Points - Due 10/25

GDevelop for Teams



Github is located in the class share


I. Game must have three levels

1.     Level 1- 2 Points

2.     Level 2 - 2 Points

3.     Level 3 - 2 Points

Each level needs approximately 5 – 8 minutes of gameplay (Minimum 5 minutes each level)

II. Start Screen - 1 Points

III.  Animated Movement (left, right, jump, fall, climb, idle, fight, etc. - 1 Points

IV. Layers and camera movement (parralax) - 1 Points

V. Respawn- 1 Points


VI. One animated boss for each level - 3 Points


VII. Art

VIII. Life System - 1 Points

IX. Sound - 3 Points

X. Victory Screen - 3 Points

XI. Story Telling/Story Development in the game by NPCs or Cut Scenes - 5 Points

Total 35 Points


You will need to present your project for showcase and judged on the following criteria

Content Knowledge and Organization 

Presentation is exceptional.  Presenter presents information in a logical and interesting sequence.  Presenter has a strong understanding of subject matter.  Audience members can effortlessly understand important concepts presented.  Presenter answers all questions with impressive explanations. 

Presentation Skills 

Eye contact is held, with minimal return to notes or slides.  Presenter uses a clear voice, and pronunciation of terms is accurate.  Audience members can hear presenter with ease.  Presenter is confident and comfortable.  He/She makes necessary movements during the presentation, and hands are never in pockets.  Presenter is professionally dressed. 

Participation and Teamwork

Every team member actively participates in a well organized presentation.  Transitions are brief and smooth between topics and speakers. 

PowerPoint and/ or other Visual Aids 

Graphics explain and reinforce presentation.  The slides are without mechanical error.  Text is easy to read and compliments slide background.  Information on slides is clear and relevant.  Information adds to presentation to help clarify verbal points. 

Melee Attack

Create a platform and give it the platform behavior

 Add a new Object


Name it Hero

Give it Platform Character Behavior

Name the first Hero Animation "Idle"

Create a second animation with your Hero swinging a sword

Name the animation Attack

Open your Attack Animation

Add a second colission mask for the sword.


Create an Enemy

Go to your events


Variable Value

 Create out scene variable

Copy the condition into a new event and change the variable to 1

For your action if condition variable is 0, you want to set your Idle Animation to 0

Change the animation on variable 1 to attack

We want to start the game off with the attack variable set to 0

In the event At the beginning of the scene, delete the action and add change variable value


Set to


Set the Hero to flip

Now set the opposite for the right key

This part feels kind of tricky but whatever

Create a new event 

What you want to happen is that after the melee attack animation plays once, it stops and changes the scene variable to 0

This is kind of like the blade we did earlier

 The action will be to change the scene variable of attack to 0

Time to add ther attack

Create a new event

We want two conditions

First condition: Key Pressed Z

Second Condition: The current animation of the Hero is not set to the attack (we will be using inverse)

The reason is that if the animation is already set to the attack, you don't need to change the animation

The action you want is to change the scene variable to 1 (from Idle to Attack)

Add a condition Hero in collision with bad guy and trigger once

Now you need to create a sub event so that it's only going to delete when you are in the attacking animation

If you don't, it will always delete them whenever you are in collision

Now add the action selete bag guy in the sub event